Dixon HS. (2000) – Treatment of delayed food reactions based on specific immunoglobulin G testing
Introduction – Conducted by Hamilton Dixon MD in 2000, this study focused on patients that had a history of suffering from a variety of symptoms, including Fatigue (and fatigue after meals, Diarrhoea, Migraines and Itchy Skin. All patients had been unable to find the route of their problem/s using conventional methods.
Summary – 114 patients in total were tested for food sensitivities using a food specific IgG antibody test. Of the 114 initial subjects, 80 completed the study by following an elimination diet based on their IgG reactive foods. Upon elimination of reactive foods, subjects showed significant improvements in their previously reported symptoms. In subjects who reported having symptoms, the following improvements were observed, 71% of subjects realised a 75% or greater improvement in their condition/s, half of the study group realised 90% or more relief from their symptoms and perhaps most importantly, the 15 patients that did NOT eliminate their reactive foods, experienced no relief in their symptoms.