IBS & Bloating

The relationship between Bloating, IBS, and Food Intolerance.

IBS & Bloating

If you suffer from bloating, IBS, heartburn or intestinal discomfort, and have not yet discovered a cause then it is possible that you could be one of the estimated 9 million(1) adults in the UK with a food intolerance.

These food sensitivities can be very difficult to pinpoint – often a trial and error elimination diet alone can take months before trigger foods are identified, as your bloating or IBS could be due to a food you have just eaten, or it could be because of a food you ate earlier in the day, or even one or two days previously.

Smartblood Story - Hannah's Bloating

Hannah, a shop assistant in a fashion store, often suffered really bad bloating, with no identifiable cause – it would come and go, along with some very uncomfortable gastric reflux.

Taking a Smartblood food intolerance test helped Hannah identify her trigger foods, one of which was Cashew Nuts After recieving her full results and having a consultation with a Smartblood Nutritional Therapist Hannah was able to remove her trigger foods and replace them with healthy alternatives. Her bloating, as well as her heartburn have now stopped.

I was prone to really bad bloating, as well as indigestion, even though my diet was quite low in calories. I took a Smartblood Food Intolerance Test and found that I had a grade 4 reaction to Cashews, and less severe reactions to other foods. By cutting them from my diet I no longer "Bloat" and can wear the clothes that I like. - Hannah

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