Our Story

Revolutionizing Wellness with Food Intolerance Solutions.

User Friendly, Reliable, Fast and Trackable.

We created Smartblood with the vision of building the world’s first user-friendly, reliable, speedy, and trackable food intolerance testing service.

We passionately believe that eliminating foods based on IgG antibody testing, combined with the support of a qualified nutritionist, can help alleviate a range of conditions. Our position is supported by published scientific studies, feedback from our clients, and the experiences of our BANT-registered Nutritional Therapists, who have conducted thousands of food intolerance consultations.

The Key to a Healthier Tomorrow

Our Scientific and Medical Team

Dr Graham Johnson Medical Director

From his background in NHS General Practice, Graham has long been aware of the many unexplained or functional conditions that people endure - and that conventional investigation does not always come up with the answers.

IgG Food Intolerance testing represents an alternative investigative approach which he believes should have it's place alongside more established tests.

Graham divides his working life between Smartblood and remote NHS general practice.

Dr Peter Horlock Laboratory Director

With a Degree in Process Biotechnology, a Masters in Biomolecular Science, and a PhD in Biochemistry, Peter is eminently qualified to lead the Smartblood Laboratory, and has more than 20 years expertise in ELISA Plate testing in particular. He is committed to ensuring accuracy at every stage of the testing process, enabling us to give results with confidence.

Peter previously worked at Yorktest Laboratories as Director of Technical Operations.

Sheila Boyde Head of Nutritional Therapy

A former international athlete, Sheila studied at the renowned Institute for Optimum Nutrition, and then at Leeds University in Sports and Performance.

Fully registered, Sheila has been a nutritional advisor on television as well as a lecturer in nutrition and has over 20 years of nutritional consultation experience.