Gluten & Wheat

Intolerances to Gluten, Wheat, and other Grains.

Gluten & Wheat

Interestingly, although Wheat is thought of as the primary grain that causes a food intolerance, we all can react to different trigger foods, and it may equally be Barley, Rice or Oats, or even a component of Wheat called Gluten that is responsible for individual food sensitivities in the UK.

Manifesting as bloating, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), weight gain, fatigue, skin problems, migraines or joint pain, even a mild food intolerance to grains and staples may have a major impact upon a person’s day to day activities, and the inclusion of these foods in a western diet is so common that the actual intolerances can be difficult to find, and also to avoid successfully.

Smartblood Story - Matt's Gluten Intolerance

Matt is currently studying Maths and Physics at the University of Bristol. Matt has had Eczema all of his life – although steroid creams help during flare-ups, when he stops using the creams, the Eczema returns. 

View Matt’s video story to see how a Smartblood food intolerance test helped Matt identify his trigger foods, one of which was Gluten, and how a consultation with a Smartblood Nutritional Therapist helped him identify foods that contained Gluten and showed him suitable replacements.

I've had eczema on my hands for most of my life. I struggled to find out what was causing the problems, even steroid creams didn't really help. The Smartblood Food Intolerance Test found I had reactions to milk, gluten & cherries. After cutting them from my diet, my eczema almost completely cleared up within a month. - Matt

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