Smartblood Q&A – Marathon

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Smartblood Medical Director prepares to run London Marathon

With the London Marathon just around the corner, our attention is focused on training, nutrition and choosing the right trainers. We’re a health conscious bunch anyway (naturally) but our interest in the marathon has increased in no small part due to the participation of our Medical Director, Dr Graham Johnson.

Already an experienced distance runner, Graham is lacing up his trainers in aid of the Royal Navy and Royal Marines Charity, a charity close to his heart as he served in both of these services earlier in his medical career, and for Lifton Community Centre, a recently completed village facility that needs funds to develop its services for the local community.

Before he set off on the epic 26 mile race, we asked him to tell us a bit about his marathon motivation.

Is this your first marathon?

No, I’ve completed six now, London four times – the first one was 22 years ago!

What made you sign up?

I’m in denial about my advancing years! And it’s a great challenge for a worthwhile cause.

How have you been preparing, mentally and physically?

By putting in the hours. I’ve made sure I do the essential long run on a Sunday and overall fit in 3 runs per week.

What have you learned during your preparation?

That everything hurts even more after 18 miles than it did 22 years ago!

Do you have any running rituals?

Vaseline, a pint of fluid one hour and double espresso 30 minutes before each big training run, and protein drink straight after.

What are you most looking forward to?

The start – and the finish. There’s nothing like the atmosphere on the day. It really pushes you along, every step of the way.

What are you dreading (if anything)?

The 16-20 mile point. It’s my ‘wall’ and I know I’ll be hurting by that point.

What advice would you share with anyone thinking of joining in next year?

Do it – its very achievable, and hugely beneficial for both physical and mental health!

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